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Legacy Watercare Innovations specializes
in wastewater remediation and environmental technology.
Our expert team has designed a novel fluid treatment system, specialized dosing equipment and can provide recommendations for cost-efficient, sustainable solutions for any wastewater problem.

Having municipal wastewater or industrial produced water issues?
Looking for a tailor-made solution?
We are here to help.
Let's create a cleaner, safer water future, together!

VTA Nanofloc ®️ A644
Purify Water with State of the Art Nanotechnology
Unrivalled performance
In the nano-scale range, the metallic base material in VTA Nanofloc® multiplies its intrinsic magnetic pull. This effect allows the charge balancing to take place inside the sludge floc, and not, as is usually the case, on its surface. Extremely compact floc is formed – subsequent disintegration of the floc can be virtually ruled out even under unfavorable conditions.

Hydroprompt FORTE ®️
Innovative, multifunctional product removes pathogens from wastewater. Germs reduced by more than 95 percent – same for antibiotic-resistant pathogens!
In view of the COVID-19 pandemic, the contamination of wastewater with pathogens is also becoming an important issue for society as a whole. The VTA Group is aware of this responsibility and has been addressing such problems for many years now. Extensive research and development work has gone into producing VTA Hydroprompt® FORTE, a product innovation with unique properties that are now also being confirmed in practice.

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